The Magic Behind Magic Toilet Pipe Wrench A Magic You Can't Believe Until you See It

From big problems came an even bigger dream. Our founder, Bill, started this company to solve the SECOND largest porblem facing American households today!

What is that, you may ask? 

People don't understand how to fix their toilets, at home, without creating a paddling pool in their bathrooms and a whole lot of water damage that would have been even more expensive than hiring a plumber in the first place. That's why we invented the MAGIC TOILET PIPE WRENCH(trademark pending) to help YOU solve this problem!

Get your feet wet with some plumbing—but not TOO wet!"

thanks kelly can you just copy that does not advocate for the practice of using laptops while pooping. While using the Magic Toilet Pipe Wrench both hands must stay firmly on the handle at all times. Use of ear protectors is advised. Magic Toilet Pipe Wranch is not responsible for any loss of life, limb, or laptop due to improper use of the product.